Books  [Bill Casselman] Mathematical Illustrations: A Manual of Geometry and PostScript

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This practical introduction to the techniques needed to produce high-quality mathematical illustrations is suitable for anyone with basic knowledge of coordinate geometry.

Bill Casselman combines a completely self-contained step-by-step introduction to the graphics programming language PostScript with an analysis of the requirements of good mathematical illustrations.

The many small simple graphics projects can also be used in courses in geometry, graphics, or general mathematics. Code for many of the illustrations is included, and can be downloaded from the book's web site...

Books  [John F. Sherman] Taking Advantage of Postscript

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This book will introduce PostScript concepts and drawing techniques. It will cover advanced PostScript techniques that unleash the power of the PostScript Page Description Language. Much of what is covered here cannot be accomplished in available graphics software.

For anyone whose work requires sophisticated text and graphic output--programmers and developers who need to harness PostScript's full capabilities, as well as end users who want to improve the output of desktop publishing packages.



Books  [Attila Csenki] Applications of Prolog

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This book is the second volume by the author on Prolog programming and its applications written for Ventus. Whereas in the first book [9], specific Prolog programming techniques were explained, in this volume we discuss some areas where Prolog can be fruitfully employed.

Both books owe their existence to the recognition that the higher educational system (in the UK) does not offer enough opportunities for students to experience the satisfaction associated with successfully completing a technical task. In the writer’s opinion, the learning experience of today’s average student is dominated too much by assessments.

Many interesting...

Books  [Attila Csenki] Prolog Techniques

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The book Prolog Techniques is the first of two volumes by the author on the programming language Prolog and its applications; the second, forthcoming, textbook is entitled Applications of Prolog. In the first volume you can read about the accumulator technique, difference lists, program manipulations and exploratory code development.

Prolog is considered difficult by students. Usually, by the time they learn Prolog, which is most likely to happen in preparation for a course in Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Expert Systems, they will have studied imperative programming and/or the object oriented paradigm. Unfortunately, this prior...

Books  [Peter Flach] Simply Logical: Intelligent Reasoning by Example

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An introduction to Prolog programming for artificial intelligence covering both basic and advanced AI material. A unique advantage to this work is the combination of AI, Prolog and Logic. Each technique is accompanied by a program implementing it. Seeks to simplify the basic concepts of logic programming. Contains exercises and authentic examples to help facilitate the understanding of difficult concepts.



Books  [Dennis Merritt] Expert Systems in Prolog

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The machine learning capabilities of today's AI are extremely exciting, but they are only one part of the architecture of today's systems. For example, self-driving car technology uses machine learning to interpret the visual field around a car, but it's good old fashioned rule-based AI that contains the plans on what to do with that information.Similarly, the phenomenal program that plays Go at a master level uses machine learning to evaluate board positions (very difficult for a machine to do) but uses conventional AI for deciding what to do with that information.Written a number of years ago, Building Expert Systems in Prolog is...

Books  [Neil C. Rowe] Artificial Intelligence through Prolog

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This book presents many concepts in artificial intelligence (AI) and problem-solving systems in terms of the Prolog language. Its stated purpose is to provide an informal, hands-on approach to learning AI.



Books  [James L. Hein] Prolog Experiments in Discrete Mathematics, Logic, and Computability

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[James L. Hein] Prolog Experiments in Discrete Mathematics, Logic, and Computability



Books  [Paul Brna] Prolog Programming: A First Course

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The course for which these notes are designed is intended for undergraduate students who have some programming experience and may even have written a few programs in Prolog. They are not assumed to have had any formal course in either propositional or predicate logic. The original function was to provide students studying Artificial Intelligence (AI) with an intensive introduction to Prolog so, inevitably, there is a slight bias towards AI.

The emphasis in this book is on using Prolog effectively. It presents a loose collection of topics that build on and elaborate concepts learned in a first course...

Books  [J. M. Spivey] An Introduction to Logic Programming Through Prolog

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Using theory as a foundation for practical programming, this text presents the theory of logic programming with clear proofs, extended examples, and implementation techniques. It covers logical theory, practical programming, and the structure of a simple Prolog implementation.



Books  [Ulf Nilsson, Jan Maluszynski] Logic, Programming and Prolog, 2nd Edition

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What sets this book apart from others on logic programming is the breadth of its coverage. The authors have achieved a fine balance between a clear and authoritative treatment of the theory and a practical, problem-solving approach to its applications. This edition introduces major new developments in a continually evolving field and includes such topics as concurrency and equational and constraint logic programming.



Books  [Michael A. Covington] Prolog Programming in Depth

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This book covers the Prolog programming language thoroughly with an emphasis on building practical application software, not just theory. Working through this book, readers build several types of expert systems, as well as natural language processing software and utilities to read foreign file formats. This is the first book to cover ISO Standard Prolog, but the programs are compatible with earlier dialects of the language. Program files are available by FTP from The University of Georgia.



Books  [Feliks Kluznia, Stanislaw Szpakowicz] Prolog for Programmers

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Prolog for Programmers is intended as an introduction to Prolog for people familiar with conventional programming languages.

Reflecting this, in Chapter 1, Prolog is explained in terms of programming constructs and techniques found in Pascal. However, explaining Prolog in terms of Pascal sometimes becomes contrived, for example, backtracking is explained in terms of error recovery and unification is explained by giving a Pascal unification algorithm.

Unfortunately, both the logical and extralogical features of Prolog are introduced together, blurring the distinction between the declarative and nondeclarative aspects of the language...

Books  [Leon S. Sterling, Ehud Y. Shapiro] The Art of Prolog: Advanced Programming Techniques

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Addressed to readers at different levels of programming expertise, this book offers a departure from current books that focus on small programming examples requiring additional instruction in order to extend them to full programming projects.

It shows how to design and organize moderate to large Prolog programs, providing a collection of eight programming projects, each with a particular application, and illustrating how a Prolog program was written to solve the application. These range from a simple learning program to designing a database for molecular biology to natural language generation from plans and stream data analysis...

Books  [Patrick Blackburn, Johan Bos, Kristina Striegnitz] Learn Prolog Now!

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Prolog is a programming language, but a rather unusual one. "Prolog" is short for "Programming with Logic", and the link with logic gives Prolog its special character. At the heart of Prolog lies a surprising idea: don't tell the computer what to do. Instead, describe situations of interest, and compute by asking questions. Prolog will logically deduce new facts about the situations and give its deductions back to us as answers.

Why learn Prolog? For a start, its ``say what the problem is, rather than how to solve it'' stance, means that it is a very high level language, good for knowledge rich applications such as artificial...

Books  [Markus Triska] The Power of Prolog

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The goal of this book is to bridge the gap between the great traditional Prolog textbooks of the past and the language as it currently is, several decades after these books were written. You will see that many limitations of the past are no longer relevant, while several new constructs are now of great importance even though they are not yet covered in any available Prolog book.

Prolog has continued to attract a great deal of interest in the computer science community, and has turned out to be a basis for an important new generation of programming languages and systems for Artificial Intelligence.

The language has been...

Books  [Dennis Merritt] Adventure in Prolog

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Prolog tutorial that uses the very first interactive computer games to teach the expressive power of Prolog.



Разное  [dom_detskogo_platya] Технология платья с воланом по лифу и крупными фалдами на юбке (2024)

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Технология включает в себя обработку "мягкого" волана и прозрачной вставки по центру лифа.
Обработку застёжки на навесные петли и пуговицы

Технология лифа с воланами:
1. Введение. Печать лекал
2. Моделирование всех деталей лифа
3. Расход материалов. Крой
4. Сборка волана и вставки
5. Сборка лифа
6. "Мягкий" волан и прозрачная вставка

Технология юбки с крупными фалдами
1. Введение. Расчет конструкции. Определение расхода материалов
2. Выбор материалов
3. Крой деталей всех слоев юбки
4. Сборка верхней юбки
5. Сборка нижней юбки
6. Соединение лифа с ибками

Базовое лекало лифа (перед и спинка) в любом одном размере включено...

Рукоделие  [valeriiapletenie] МК по плетению кукольного кресла-кокона (2024)

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Об авторе: Я - Валерия Астафьева. Плету из эко-лозы (бумажной) 8 лет. Большая любовь - миниатюрная кукольная мебель из мини-лозы.

У меня был большой заказ сразу на несколько розовых изделий для кукол разных размеров. Среди которых было и подвесное кресло-кокон. Это довольно большое изделия. Плела я трубочками, накрученными из полос шириной 7 см. Это уже не минилоза, а стандартные трубочки, из которых мастерицы плетут интерьерные корзинки.



Разное  [Полина Вахитова] Аксессуры. Финальные штрихи образа и управление вниманием (2023)

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На этом курсе мы рассмотрим аксессуары с двух точек зрения:

— как предметы, украшающие внешность и финальными штрихами дополняющие образ
— и как инструменты управления вниманием, впечатлением и как элементы, несущие смысл и свое сообщение

Лайт-версия, 7 уроков



Разное  [Архэ] Мы внутри физики - Понятие и восприятие температуры и особенности температурных режимов (2024)

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Природные и технические процессы, которые нас окружают, но о сути которых мы редко задумываемся: понятие температуры и где и каким воздухом лучше дышать, как образуются туман и облака, устройство различных типов ламп, распространение звуковых волн, как происходит таяние снега и льда, как появляются оттенки на небе в разное время дня и сезонов и многие другие явления предстанут перед нами в свете законов физики и биологии.

Морозова Татьяна Игоревна, кандидат физико-математических наук, научный сотрудник ИКИ РАН. Занимается плазменно-пылевыми процессами в природных и космических системах...

Выпечка  [Maru] Курс по слойке «New York Roll» (2024)

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Этот курс для вас если

  • Если вы любите слоеную выпечку с начинкой и хотите научиться ее готовить
  • Вы хотите делать трендовую выпечку и зарабатывать на этом
  • Вы любите слоеную выпечку и хотите научиться работать с тестом, но еще не готовы к длительному обучению
  • Если вы уже умеете готовить слоено-дрожжевое тесто, но просто круассаны уже слишком просто и хочется чего-то нового
Кому подойдет этот курс
1) Новичкам
Вы получите полное представление о том, как работать со слоено-дрожжевым тестом, перестанете бояться дрожжей и забудете все «мифы» связанные с ними. Вы точно удивите близких, а может быть даже откроете в...

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  • bobozoda0073
    очень понравилось глава про VFX, даже сделал крутой VFX видео, советую
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  • Kettirinka
    Курс называется "Растим гения", а в начале обучения автор говорит, что взяла эту информацию из центра, где работают со сложными детьми (с отставание в развитии). Где в её курсе система - мне не очень понятно. Автор записала видео со своей дочкой, которая манерничает перед камерой, а мама на кадром умиляется. Описания упражнений не даны, а из видео с ребёнком не всегда понятны. Качество видео хорошее, есть даже какие-то раздаточные материалы. Ну, какие-то идеи можно из видео почерпнуть, если человек давно в теме. Но есть и откровенные ошибки. Поэтому курс в целом не рекомендую.
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