Development [] Introduction to Arduino with Elegoo UNO Super Starter Kit



What you'll learn

  • After the course you will know how to edit a sketch (program) in the Arduino IDE, connect the hardware and transfer the program to you Arduino. Execute it and start enjoying.
  • A lot of sensors come with the kit, so you will master sensors for temperature, humidity, besides you will have things in movement with the motors.
  • In short, a great introduction to later courses on advanced electronics.
  • The great requirement is to feel like learning electronics, Arduino makes the introduction to electronics very smooth, it is a great ecosystem for beginners.
  • I have used as material the great Elegoo Uno Super Starter Kit that you can purchase at Amazon. Good quality and the price is fantastic.
In this course on embedded systems using Arduino Elegoo UNO super Starter Kit you will learn how to use the Arduino IDE to make programs and updload them to the Arduino UNO micro. You will learn how to use all the sensors, motors and actuators that come with the kit, leds, PWM signals, RGB led, switch buttons, buzzers, tilt sensor, servomotor, ultrasonic sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, joystick, infrared remote control, LCD, NTC, 74HC595 IC, Photocell (LDR), 7-segment display, DC motor, relay and stepper motor. With animations to understand the principle of operation of the sensors and motors. A great resource to learn.

Who this course is for:
  • If you want to master Arduino from scratch this is your course, no matter your previous knowledge, you will have fun and at the same time you will learn a lot.

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