Business [Jeff Walker & Don Crowther] Webinar Funnel Formula


Pirate Club
5 Ноя 2017
As a reminder, here’s everything you get when you register for the Webinar Funnel Formula Program:
  • The exclusive Pilot Program Experience With the opportunity for copy reviews and critiques of your webinar assets, joining Webinar Funnel Formula now is probably the closest you can get to being personally coached by Don Crowther and Jeff Walker. And if you create an amazing webinar, we may ask to feature you as a case study!
  • Eight modules that walk you through creating your next webinar and a promotion plan to maximize sales.
  • Weekly Pilot Program Implementation Calls where you can get feedback on your webinar development and have your questions answered live, plus two implementation weeks to help you maximize your forward momentum.
  • Detailed webinar planners and exercises to help keep you on track, module by module.
  • Complete transcripts of all the training videos (perfect if you like to read more than watch videos).
  • Audio files for every training video (if you would rather listen to the trainings instead of watching the videos - great while you’re driving or taking a walk).
  • Access to the Portal Community, where you can ask questions and get answers and support from fellow community members and my team.


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